Thursday, March 4, 2010

CiberNotas-ACURIL-CyberNotes se muda a Wordpress

Estimados acurileños:

Cibernotas-ACURIL-Cybernotes se muda a Wordpress.

Sigánnos y aporten noticias para enriquecer nuestro espacio.

Saludos cordiales,

Luisa Vigo-Cepeda
Secretaria Ejecutiva

CiberNotas-ACURIL-CyberNotes moves to Wordpress

March 4, 2009

Dear Acurileans

This month we are moving to Wordpress. Kindly follow us in :

Kindly follow us and send us information to enrich our site.

With kindest regards,

Luisa Vigo-Cepeda
Executive Secretary

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Candidatures. Nominations. Nominaciones. ACURIL 2009-2012. General Assembly ACURIL XXXIX, 1 June 2009, Gosier, Guadeloupe


Juin / June / Junio 1-5, 2009, Gosier, Guadeloupe /
(English and Spanish versions follow. Las versiones en inglés y español
se acompañan a continuación)

San Juan, Puerto Rico, 2 mai 2009

Chers membres d’ACURIL:

Le Comité des Candidatures au Conseil Exécutif de l'ACURIL 2009-2012, constituées par le professeur Carmen Santos-Corrada (Puerto Rico), Vice-President/President élu, president du Comité, et les membres du Conseil Exécutif le Dr. Elizabeth Pierre-Louis (Haiti) et Adele Merritt-Bernard (Jamaica), présente à cet égard le rapport du Comité des Candidatures à tous les ACURIL membres.

Pour des informations sur les procédures, veuillez vous référer à l'article VI. Candidatures et des élections des conseillers et vice-président de la ACURIL Statuts

Veuillez noter:

Section 3. Il est du devoir du comité des candidatures pour sélectionner une liste de candidats pour le Conseil. Aucune personne, autre que le représentant des membres du personnel, après avoir servi à titre de dirigeant ou conseiller pour un mandat complet dans une catégorie mai être en nomination pour un autre mandat en moins de trois ans. Le représentant des membres du personnel, après avoir servi un mandat d'un an, mai être nommé immédiatement à la réélection pour un autre terme que dans la même capacité. À la fin de l'une ou l'autre expression, ou à tout autre moment par la suite, que le conseiller, si elle est admissible en vertu de l'article II.

D'un autre côté, comme indiqué dans la section 4 des Statuts,

Le Comité de nomination, de désignation des membres pour combler ces postes, se garder à l'esprit l'opportunité de disposer de tous les groupes linguistiques représentés au Conseil… Autres candidatures mai à partir de la parole [à l'assemblée générale] dans les limites de la réglementation ci-dessus.

Présentation des candidats sera effectué lors de la première Assemblée générale à Gossier, Guadeloupe.

Ce sera mon plaisir de vous accueillir tous à Gosier, Guadeloupe.


Luisa Vigo-Cepeda, Ph.D.

Secrétaire Exécutif
Skype: acuril

San Juan, Puerto Rico, May 2, 2009

Dear ACURIL Members:

The Nominations Committee for ACURIL’s Executive Council 2009-2012, constituted by Prof. Carmen Santos-Corrada (Puerto Rico), Vice-President/President Elect, Chair; and Executive Council members Dr. Elizabeth Piere-Louis (Haiti) and Adele Merritt-Bernard (Jamaica), present hereby the Nominations Committee Report to all ACURIL members.

For information regarding procedures, kindly refer to ARTICLE VI. Nominations and Elections of Councilors and Vice-President in ACURIL ByLaws

Kindly note:

Section 3. It shall be the duty of the Nominating committee to select a full slate of nominees for the Council. No person, other than the representative of the personal members, having served as an officer or Councilor for a full term in any category may be nominated for another term in less than three years. The representative of the personal members, having served a one year term, may be nominated immediately for re-election for one more term only in the same capacity. At the end of either term, or at any time thereafter, that councilor, if eligible under Article II,

From another standpoint, as indicated in Section 4 of the Bylaws:

The Nominating Committee, in nominating members to fill these positions, will bear in mind the desirability of having all language groups represented to Council… Additional nominations may be made from the floor [at the General Assembly] within the limitations of the above regulations.

Presentation of nominees will be made at the first General Assembly in Gosier, Guadeloupe.

It will be my pleasure to greet you all in Gosier, Guadeloupe.


Luisa Vigo-Cepeda, Ph.D.
Executive Secretary
Skype: acuril


San Juan, Puerto Rico, 2 de mayo de 2009

Estimados miembros de ACURI:

El Comité de Nominaciones para el Consejo Ejecutivo de ACURIL 2009-2012, constituido por la Prof. Carmen Santos-Corrada (Puerto Rico), Vice-Presidenta/Presidenta Electa, y presidenta del Comité; y los miembros del Consejo Ejecutivo Dr. Elizabeth Pierre-Louis (Haiti) y Adele Merritt-Bernard (Jamaica), presentan a continuación el Informe del Comité de Nominaciones a todos los Miembros de ACURIL.

Para información sobre los procedimiento, se apreciará se refieran al ARTICULO VI. Nominaciones y Elección de Consejales y Vice-President en el Reglamento de ACURIL.

Nótese lo siguiente, por favor:

Sección 3. Será el deber del Comité de Nominaciones seleccionar un cuadro de nominados para el Consejo. Ninguna persona, que no sea representativa de miembros personales, que haya servido como oficial o consejal por un periodo completo en cualquier categoria podra ser nominado por un termino adicional en menos de tres años. El representante de miembros personales, que haya servido por el término de un año, podrá ser nominado inmediatamente por un año adicional solo en esa capacidad. Al finalizar el término y en cualquier momento luego de cualquier término, el consejal, puede ser elegido dentro de los canones del Artículo II.

Por otra parte, como se indica en la Sección 4 del Reglamento:

El Comité de Nominaciones, al nominar miembros para ocupar estas posiciones, deberá observar la deseabiidad de contar con grupos linguisticos representativos en el Consejo…Se podrán hacer nominaciones adicionales del pleno [en la Asamblea General] dentro de las limitaciones de las estipulaciones indicadas.

La presentación de los nominados se hará en la primera Asamblea General en Gosier, Guadeloupe.

Será un placer para mi saludarles a todos en Gosier, Guadeloupe.


Luisa Vigo-Cepeda, Ph.D.
Secretaria Ejecutiva
Skype: acuril



(English and Spanish versions follow. Las versiones en inglés y español se acompañan a continuación)

San Juan, Puerto Rico, 1 mai 2009

Pour tous les membres d’ACURIL:

Au cours de la XXXIX ACURIL Conférence, qui se tiendra à Gosier, Guadeloupe, 1-5 Juin 2009, il y aura plusieurs postes vacants au sein du Conseil exécutif, comme suit.
Il y aura:

• Trois (3) postes vacants de la période 2009-2012: Deux des membres institutionnels, et un (1) Association des membres, et

• Un (1) vacance de poste correspondant à la catégorie des membres personnelle, à partir de 2009-2010.

Membres institutionnels: deux (2) postes vacants

Dr. Elizabeth Pierre-Louis, FOKAL: Fondation Conaissance et Liberte / Open Society Institute, en Haïti. se termine trois années comme un terme de membre institutionnel 2006-2009

Mme. Judith Rogers de l'Université des Îles Vierges Bibliothèque, Sainte-Croix, se termine trois années comme un terme de membre institutionnel 2006-2009

Les candidats pour les membres institutionnels période 2009-2012 sont les suivants:

Mme. Francoise Thybulle, Bibliothèque Nationale d'Haïti; Co-président, Les Bibliothèques Nationales, Publiques et des Médiathèques SIG d’ACURIL

Prof Barry Baker, directeur de l'University of Central Florida bibliothèques, des Caraïbes d'information professionnelle de l'année 2007; Président, Comité permanent de finances, président, Academic Libraries SIG

Association membre pour la période 2009-2012: un poste vacant

Mme Dorcas Bowler, Bahamas Library Association, se termine trois années terme comme une association membre représentant 2006-2009

Le candidat pour le member de l’association, période 2009-2012 est :

En attente pour confirmation.

Membre du personnel pour la période 2009-2010: un poste vacant

Rony Alders (Aruba) met fin à un an 2008-2009

Le candidat pour le membre du personnel, pour la période 2009-2010 est:

Ronny Alders. Après avoir servi pendant un an, ACURIL règlements dans la section 3, il permet de conseiller ce service à un autre terme. Il est prêt à servir une autre année.

Respectueusement soumis,

Carmen Santos-Corrada
Président, Comité des Candidatures /
ACURIL Vice Président, Présdent-Elu/
Conrado Asenjo Bibliothèque, Université de Puerto Rico,
Sciences Médicales Campus

Elizabeth Pierre Louis, Executive Council Member
FOKAL: Fondation Conaissance et Liberte/Open Society Institute, Haiti

Adele Merritt-Bernard
Jamaica Library and Information Association



San Juan, Puerto Rico, May 1, 2009

To all ACURIL Members:

During the XXXIX ACURIL Conference, to be held in Gosier, Guadeloupe, June 1-5, 2009, there will be various vacancies in the Executive Council, as follows.

There will be

• Three (3) vacancies from 2009-2012 period: Two Institutional Members; and One (1) Association Member, and

• One (1) vacancy corresponding to the personal member category, from 2009-2010.

Institutional Members: two vacancies

Dr. Elizabeth Pierre-Louis, FOKAL: Fondation Conaissance et Liberte/Open Society Institute, Haiti. ends three years term as an Institutional Member 2006-2009

Mrs. Judith Rogers, University of the Virgin Islands Library, St. Croix, ends three years term as an Institutional Member 2006-2009

Nominees for Institutional Members 2009-2012 period are:

Mme. Francoise Thybulle, Bibliothèque Nationale d’Haiti ; Co-Chair, National, Public Libraries and Mediatheques SIG

Prof. Barry Baker, Director of the University of Central Florida Libraries, Caribbean Information Professional of the Year 2007; Chair, Financial Permanent Committee; Chair, Academic Libraries SIG

Association Member for 2009-2012 period: one vacancy

Mrs. Dorcas Bowler, Bahamas Library Association, ends three years term as an Association Member representative 2006-2009

Nominee for Association Member 2009-2012 period is:

Pending for confirmation.

Personal member for 2009-2010 period: one vacancy

Rony Alders (Aruba) ends a year term 2008-2009

Nominee for Personal member 2009-2010

Ronny Alders. Having served for one year, ACURIL Bylaws in it Section 3 allows for this Councilor to serve for another term. He is willing to serve another year.

Respectfully submitted,
Carmen Santos-Corrada
Chair, Nominations Committee/
ACURIL Vice President-President Elect /
Conrado Asenjo Library,University of Puerto Rico,
Medical Sciences Campus

Elizabeth Pierre Louis, Executive Council Member
FOKAL: Fondation Conaissance et Liberte/Open Society Institute, Haiti

Adele Merritt-Bernard
Jamaica Library and Information Association



San Juan, Puerto Rico, 1ro de mayo de 2009

Para todos los integrantes de ACURIL:

Durante la XXXIX Conferencia de ACURIL, a efectuarse en Gosier, Guadeloupe, 1-5 junio 2009, habrán varias vacantes en el Consejo Ejecutivo, tal y como se indica a continuación:
Se presentan:

• Tres (3) vancantes para el período 2009-2012 : Dos (2) miembros institucionales; un Un (1) miembro de Asociación

• Una (1) vacante correspondiente a la categorya de miembro personal, del 2009-2010.

Miembros Institucionales: dos vacantes

Dra. Elizabeth Pierre-Louis, FOKAL: Fondation Conaissance et Liberte/Open Society Institute, Haiti, concluye su téermino como Miembro Institucional 2006-2009

Mrs. Judith Rogers, University of the Virgin Islands Library, St. Croix, concluye su término como Miembro Institucional 2006-2009

Nominados como Miembros Institucionales por el período 2009-2012 son:

Mme. Francoise Thybulle, Bibliothèque Nationale d’Haiti ; Co-Presidenta del Grupo de Interés Especial de Bibliotecas Nacionales, Públicas y Mediatecas.

Prof. Barry Baker, Director de las Biblliotecas de University of Central Florida ; Electo Profesional de la Información del Caribe 2007; Presidente, Comité Permanente de Finanzas; Presidente, Grupo de Interés Especial de Bibliotecas Académicas.

Miembro Representativo de Asociaciones por el período 2009-2012 period: una vacante

Mrs. Dorcas Bowler, Bahamas Library Association, completa su término de tres años como miembro representativo de asociación, del 2006-2009

Nominado como miembro representativo de asociaciones por el período 2009-2012 es:

Pendiente de confirmación.

Miembro Personal por el período de 2009-2010 : una vacante

Rony Alders (Aruba) culmina su término por el período del 2008-2009

Nominado para la categoria de Miembro Personal por el período del 2009-2010

Ronny Alders (Aruba) Luego de servir por el término de un año, a tenor con la Sección 3, del Reglamento, este conseja puede servir por otro término. El ha confirmado su deseo de continuar por un año adicional.

Respetuosamente sometido,
Carmen Santos-Corrada
Presidenta, Comité de Nominaciones/
Biblioteca Conrado Asenjo, Universidad de Puerto Rico,
Recinto de Ciencias Médicas

Elizabeth Pierre Louis, Miembro Consejo Ejecutivo
FOKAL: Fondation Conaissance et Liberte/Open Society Institute, Haiti

Adele Merritt-Bernard, Miembro Consejo Ejecutivo Jamaica Library and Information Association

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Deadline Extended: Call for Papers, Workshops and Poster Sessions ACURIL XXXIX Guadeloupe


The Future of Libraries within the Framework
of Sustainable Development
El Futuro de las Bibliotecas dentro del marco del Desarrollo Sostenido


Conference Site and Dates
Gosier, Guadeloupe
1-5 June 2009
President: Mm. Bea Bazile

Pre-Conference June 1, 2009
OCLC Seminar/Workshops
OCLC Caribbean and Latin American Users Group Meeting
Resource: Mr. Antonio José Alba, Regional Manager, The Caribbean and Central America

Conference Organizer
Association des Amis de la Bibliothèque Départementale de Prêt

Major Sponsors
Conseil Général de la Guadeloupe
Conseil Régional de la Guadeloupe
Direction des Affaires Culturelles de la Guadeloupe
Comité du Tourisme des Iles de Guadeloupe

Important Dates:
Submission of Abstracts April 25, 2009
Notification of Acceptance/Rejection April 30, 2009
Final submission due May 8, 2009
Early bird conference registration April 30, 2009
Pre-Conference: OCLC Caribbean Users Group Meeting June 1, 2009
Conference period June 1-5, 2009

The President of the Association of Caribbean University, Research and Institutional Libraries (ACURIL), Mme Bea Bazile, invites proposals for paper presentations at ACURIL XXXIX, to be held from June 2-5, 2009, at the Hotel Arawak. The theme of the conference is The Future of Libraries within the Framework of Sustainable Development.

This Call for Papers is open to all information specialists including, librarians, archivists, record administrators, and educators in the field of information science, as well as information providers.

During the United Nations Rio de Janeiro Conference in 1992, 180 nations showed their will to participate in a series of actions whose objective was to seek for a "sustainable development". Still we are pursuing the same objective. This sustainable development must be able to satisfy today's needs without compromising the capacity of future generations to meet their own.

In this conference we will seek to explore strategies and practices that will allow us to develop libraries, archives and other information units in the Caribbean region within the framework of sustainable development, for the benefit of the diverse communities that we serve. It is intended to be a forum for persons to share ideas, innovative developments and proactive solutions to the issues and challenges we face as information professionals in a developing region, operating in a world of continuous change.

Paper presentation proposals may be practical or theoretical. Presenters are encouraged to relate their papers to the content area groups of ACURIL, namely Agriculture and the Environment, Health, Medicine and Natural Sciences, Knowledge Management, Organization and Retrieval of Information, and Law.

To effectively explore the conference theme, The Future of Libraries within the Framework of Sustainable Development, three broad subject areas have been chosen as sub-themes for ACURIL 2009.

The Conference Sub-Themes are:

• The sustainable development in society and libraries: a new paradigm?
• Changes in the perception of the Library concept to ensure social responsibility with imagination and innovation: buildings, collections. Staff and users, with what vision, mission and goals…
• From local to global: changes in directions in order to change behavior: solidarity, cooperation and training

Topic Guidelines:

Paper presentations must address one of the sub-themes, as stated above, for ACURIL XXXIX
Presentation Format:

• Each presenter will be given 20 minutes maximum to present his/her paper.
• It is recommended that presenters highlight key points and not read their papers.
• 10 minutes will be allowed for questions and answers.
• All presenters must prepare a full paper for inclusion in the conference proceedings.
All papers to be included in the proceedings must be received by May 8, 2009.

How to submit a Paper presentation Proposal:

The deadline for paper presentations proposals is April 25, 2009.
Papers can be presented in any of the three official languages of ACURIL - English, French or Spanish.
Proposals may be submitted by e-mail or hard copy. Proposals must include:
• Title of paper
• Abstract (200 - 500 words)
• Name of presenter(s)
• Position/title of presenter
• Employer/institutional affiliation
• Mailing address
• Telephone/fax numbers
• E-mail

Notification of acceptance of a paper presentation will be made no later than April 30, 2008.

Paper Format:

For the final work, each presenter must provide one hard copy and one electronic format document. The electronic format document must be sent as a Microsoft Word file.
Font style: Times New Roman 11pt
Margins 1" all around
Page size: 81⁄2 x 11
Paper Headings:
Title heading – Times New Roman 12pt, Bold, centered all caps
Sub-headings – Times New Roman 11pt, centered
Name and title, institutional affiliation, e-mail - Times Roman, 11pt, centered.
Sub-headings: Flush left, bold, regular style.
Paragraph Indentation: 5 spaces from left
Paragraph spacing: Single
Bibliography citation style: American Psychological Association (APA)

Kindly submit proposals and enquires to:
Mme. Bea Bazile
ACURIL President 2008/2009
Directrice de la Bibliothèque
Bibliothèque Départementale de Prêt
BP 102 Quartier Desmarais
37109 Basse-Terre, Guadeloupe

Veuillez communiquer des copies de cette document a d'autres personnes intéressées
Kindly reproduce and distribute copies of this document to other interested persons.
Por favor, reproduzca y distribuya copias de este documento a personas interesadas.

Important Dates:
Submission of Abstracts April 25, 2009
Notification of Acceptance/Rejection April 30, 2009
Final submission due May 8, 2009
Early bird conference registration April 30, 2009
Pre-Conference: OCLC Caribbean Users Group Meeting June 1, 2009
Conference period June 1-5, 2009

The President of the Association of Caribbean University, Research and Institutional Libraries (ACURIL), Mme Bea Bazile, invites proposals for paper presentations at ACURIL XXXIX, to be held from June 2-5, 2009, at the Hotel Arawak. The theme of the conference is The Future of Libraries within the Framework of Sustainable Development.

This Call for Workshops is open to all information specialists including, librarians, archivists, record administrators, and educators in the field of information science, as well as information providers.

During the Rio Conference in 1992, 180 nations showed their will to participate in a series of actions whose objective was to seek for a "sustainable development". Still we are pursuing the same objective. This sustainable development must be able to satisfy today's needs without compromising the capacity of future generations to meet their own.

In this conference we will seek to explore strategies and practices that will allow us to develop libraries, archives and other information units in the Caribbean region within the framework of sustainable development, for the benefit of those we serve. It is intended to be a forum for persons to share ideas, innovative developments and proactive solutions to the issues and challenges we face as information professionals in a developing region, operating in a world of continuous change.

To effectively explore the conference theme, The Future of Libraries within the Framework of Sustainable Development, three broad subject areas have been chosen as sub-themes for ACURIL 2009.

The Conference Sub-Themes are:

• The sustainable development in society and libraries: a new paradigm
• Changes in the perception of the Library concept to ensure social responsibility with imagination and innovation: buildings, collections. Staff and users, with what vision, mission and goals…
• From local to global: changes in directions in order to change behavior: solidarity, cooperation and training

Workshop Format:

Interactive workshops are encouraged, and particularly fo focusencouraged to relate their materials to the content area groups of ACURIL, namely Agriculture and the Environment, Health, Medicine and Natural Sciences, Knowledge Management, Organization and Retrieval of Information, and Law.

Workshop size will be limited to 25 participants so as to encourage interaction. Presenters are alsoencouraged, where suitable, to use a wide range of illustrative matter to support their workshop presentations. Workshops can be presented in any of the three official languages of ACURIL - English, French or Spanish.

How to submit a Workshop presentation Proposal:

The deadline for workshop proposals is April 25, 2009.
• Workshops can be presented in any of the three official languages of ACURIL - English,French or Spanish.
• Proposals may be submitted by e-mail or hard copy. Proposals must include:

  • Workshop title
  • Abstract (200 - 500 words)
  • Name of presenter(s)
  • Position/title of presenter(s)
  • Employer/institutional affiliation
  • Mailing address(es)
  • Telephone/fax numbers
  • E-mail
Notification of acceptance of a workshop presentation will be made no later than April 30, 2009. Workshop presentation abstracts will be published in the final program.

Paper Format:

• For the final work, each presenter must provide one hard copy and one electronic format document. The electronic format document must be sent as a Microsoft Word file.
• Font style: Times New Roman 11pt
• Margins 1" all around
• Page size: 81⁄2 x 11"
• Title heading – Times New Roman 12pt, Bold, centered all caps
• Sub-headings – Times New Roman 11pt, centered
• Name and title, institutional affiliation, e-mail - Times Roman, 11pt, centered.
• Sub-headings: Flush left , bold, regular style.
• Paragraph indentation: 5 spaces from left
• Paragraph spacing: Single
• Bibliography citation style: American Psychological Association (APA)
Electronic versions: Copies of Ppt, slideshsare, CDs, videos need to be submitted

Kindly submit proposals and enquires to:

Mme. Bea Bazile
ACURIL President 2008/2009
Directrice de la Bibliothèque
Bibliothèque Départementale de Prêt
BP 102 Quartier Desmarais
37109 Basse-Terre, Guadeloupe

Veuillez communiquer des copies de cette document a d'autres personnes intéressées
Kindly reproduce and distribute copies of this document to other interested persons.
Por favor, reproduzca y distribuya copias de este documento a personas interesadas.


Important Dates:
Submission of Abstracts April 25, 2009
Notification of Acceptance/Rejection April 30, 2009
Final submission due May 8, 2009
Early bird conference registration April 30, 2009
Pre-Conference: OCLC Caribbean Users Group Meeting June 1, 2009
Conference period June 1-5, 2009

The President of the Association of Caribbean University, Research and Institutional Libraries (ACURIL), Mme Bea Bazile, invites proposals for poster presentations at ACURIL XXXIX, to be held from June 2-5, 2009, at the Hotel Arawak. The theme of the conference is The Future of Libraries within the Framework of Sustainable Development.

This Call for POSTER PRESENTATIONS is open to all information specialists including, librarians, archivists, record administrators, and educators in the field of information science, as well as information providers.

What is a Poster Presentation?

The aim of the poster presentation is to provide opportunities to share experiences. It is, therefore, a presentation in a poster board that advertises a service, a product, a topic, a research endeavor. It allows viewers to walk by and observe a particular work being presented, discuss and share ideas. At ACURIL XXXIX GUADELOUPE, the poster sessions will aim to provide a forum for information professionals to highlight and share successful ideas and experiences with colleagues by presenting a research study, a special project, a problem-solving strategy, an innovative program or service in library and /or information services focusing on the conference topics. Bulletin boards will be provided to display the posters. Presenters will be required to bring finished displays to Guadeloupe.

Topic guidelines:

To effectively explore the conference theme, The Future of Libraries within the Framework of Sustainable Development, three broad subject areas have been chosen as sub-themes for ACURIL 2009, as follows:

• The sustainable development in society and libraries: a new paradigm
• Changes in the perception of the Library concept to ensure social responsibility with imagination and innovation: buildings, collections. Staff and users, with what vision, mission and goals…
• From local to global: changes in directions in order to change behavior: solidarity, cooperation and training

Posters will be presented from Monday, June 1 through June 5, 2009.

Poster presentations must address any of the sub-themes of the conference:
• The sustainable development in libraries: a new paradigm?
• Changes in the perception of the Library concept to ensure social responsibility with imagination and innovation: buildings, collections. Staff and users, with what vision, mission and goals…
• From local to global: changes in directions in order to change behavior: solidarity, cooperation and training.

The poster display should include a statement of the theme or problem, objectives of the research, project or idea being presented, the methodology used to solve the problem or implement the program, the major findings or outcomes and their significance, and conclusions.

How to Submit a Poster Proposal Abstract:

The deadline for poster board presentation abstract is April 25, 2009. Poster presentations can be in any of the three official languages of ACURIL - English, French or Spanish.

Proposals may be submitted by e-mail or hard copy. Proposals must include:
  • Poster presentation title
  • Abstract (200 - 500 words)
  • Name of presenter(s)
  • Position/title of presenter(s)
  • Employer/institutional affiliation(s)
  • Mailing address(ess)
  • Telephone/fax numbers
  • E-mail
Notification of acceptance of a poster presentation will be made no later than April 30, 2009. Poster session abstracts will be published in the final program.

Format of Poster Presentations :

No electrical support or Internet connections are available in the poster area. An effective poster presentation must visually demonstrate the key elements or significant points of a theme, product or service related to the conference.

• The dimensions of posters should be 3 feet wide x 4 feet high; that is, 36 x 48 inches.
• Impresions may be in paper, from a Power-Point presentation or common poster characteristics.
• Screen prints, charts, drawings, photographs, and other graphics along with text, to illustrate the presentation, are encouraged.
• Lettering should be simple, bold, and easily legible from a distance of four feet.
• Posters may be accompanied with handouts.
• All materiasl to be displayed should be prpared before arrival. Supplies will not be available at the conference site.

Paper Format:

By May 8, 2009, each presenter must provide one hard copy and one electronic format document. The electronic format document must be sent as a Microsoft Word file.
Font style: Times New Roman 11pt
Margins 1" all around
Page size: 81⁄2 x 11"

Paper Headings:

Title heading – Times New Roman 12pt, Bold, centered all caps
Sub-headings – Times New Roman 11pt, centered
Name and title, institutional affiliation, e-mail - Times Roman, 11pt,
Sub-headings: Flush left , bold, regular style.
Paragraph Indentation: 5 spaces from left
Paragraph spacing: Single
Bibliography citation style: Amercian Psychological Association (APA)

Kindly submit proposals and enquires to:

Mme. Bea Bazile
ACURIL President 2008/2009
Directrice de la Bibliothèque
Bibliothèque Départementale de Prêt
BP 102 Quartier Desmarais
37109 Basse-Terre, Guadeloupe

Veuillez communiquer des copies de cette document a d'autres personnes intéressées
Kindly reproduce and distribute copies of this documento to other interested persons.
Por favor, reproduzca y distribuya copias de este doccumento a personas interesadas.


Mme. Bea Bazile, President
Dr. Luisa Vigo-Cepeda
Prof. Carmen Santos-Corrada
Prof. Almaluces Figueroa
Dr. Elizabeth Pierre-Louis
Prof. Barry Baker
Prof. María de los Angeles Zavala-Colón


Coordinator: Danielle Renier-Deglas
Protocol: Suzy Duport
Registration Lydie Pumaroux
Finances: Myriam Rabel
Conference Secretariat: Lydie Poumaroux
Opening and Closing ceremonies: Rodrigue Aristide
Expositors: Danielle Renier Deglas
Visits to Information Units: Corinne Thicot
Cultural and Social Activities: Myriam Rabel
Transportation: Jeannine Bramble
Public Relations: Jimmy Louis


Bea Bazile
Bibliothèque Departamentale de Prêt de la Guadeloupe

Carmen Santos-Corrada
Conrado Asenjo Library,
University of Puerto Rico, Medical Sciences Campus

Past President
Adele Merritt-Bernard
Jamaica Library and Information Association

Luisa Vigo-Cepeda, Executive Secretary

Ileana Rosa-Sotomayor, Treasurer

Pedro Padilla-Rosa, President
Head, Foreign and International Law Department,
Law Library, University of Puerto Rico

Institutional Members

Elizabeth Pierre-Louis
Fondation Conaissance et Liberte/
Open Society Institute, Haiti

Judith Rogers
University of the Virgin Islands, St. Croix

Eleuterio Ferreira
Universidad Católica Tecnológica del Cibao

Margot Thomas
St. Lucia National Archives Authority

Association Members

Dorcas Bowler
Bahamas Library Association

Daniele Darien
Association des Amis de la Bibliothèque Départementale de Prêt

María de los Ángeles Lugo
Sociedad de Bibliotecarios de Puerto Rico

Personal Member

Ronny Alders
Oranjestad, Aruba

Special Guest

Astrid J. T. Britten, Past President
Biblioteca Nacional de Aruba

Luisa Vigo-Cepeda


Collaborators in this issue
Bea Bazile, ACURIL President
Carmen Santos-Corrada, Vice-President/
President Elect
Danielle Renier Deglas, Coordinator ACURIL39
Ileana Rosa-Sotomayor, Treasurer
Pedro Padilla-Rosa, Parlamentarian
Maria de los Ángeles Zavala, President, ACURIL
Puerto Rico Chapter
Almaluces Figueroa, Chair, Special Libraries SIG
José Robledo, Member, Publications and Public Relations Committee

Editorial Team
Astrid Britten
Barry Baker
Bea Bazile
Carmen Santos-Corrada
Oneida R. Ortiz

Edgar Jiménez-Ferrer

c/o Graduate School of Information Sciences and Technologies
University of Puerto Rico
P.O. Box 21906, UPR Station
San Juan, Puerto Rico 00931-1906
Tel. 787.763-6199 ; Fax 787-764-2311

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Usted esta recibiendo este boletín electrónico porque es un(a) integrante de la Comunidad de Aprendizaje y del Conocimiento de ACURIL o como un obsequio del Comité de Publicaciones y Relaciones Públicas. Para descontinuar recibiendo la publicación, sírvase comunicarse a través de: ;

© 2009 ACURIL. Executive Secretariat / Publications and Public Relations Committee

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


June 1-5, 2009

Pre-Conference Seminar-Workshop June 1, 2009

OCLC Caribbean Users Group Meeting

Hébergement / Accomodation / Alojamiento
Hotel Arawak. Pointe de la Verdure, 97190 Gosier, Guadeloupe
Tel.: +59 05 90 84 24 24 ; Fax +59 05 90 84 38 45


The Future of Libraries within the framework of Sustainable Development

El Futuro de las Bibliotecas dentro del marco del Desarrollo Sostenido


Important Dates:
Submission of Abstracts February 28, 2009
Notification of Acceptance/Rejection March 7, 2009
Final submission due March 31, 2009
Early bird conference registration March 31, 2009
Pre-Conference: OCLC Caribbean Users Group Meeting June 1, 2009
Conference period June 1-5, 2009

The President of the Association of Caribbean University, Research and Institutional Libraries (ACURIL), Mme Bea Bazile, invites proposals for poster presentations at ACURIL XXXIX, to be held from June 2-5, 2009, at the Hotel Arawak. The theme of the conference is The Future of Libraries within the Framework of Sustainable Development.

This Call for POSTER PRESENTATIONS is open to all information specialists including, librarians, archivists, record administrators, and educators in the field of information science, as well as information providers.

What is a Poster Presentation?

The aim of the poster presentation is to provide opportunities to share experiences. It is, therefore, a presentation in a poster board that advertises a service, a product, a topic, a research endeavor. It allows viewers to walk by and observe a particular work being presented, discuss and share ideas. At ACURIL XXXIX GUADELOUPE, the poster sessions will aim to provide a forum for information professionals to highlight and share successful ideas and experiences with colleagues by presenting a research study, a special project, a problem-solving strategy, an innovative program or service in library and /or information services focusing on the conference topics. Bulletin boards will be provided to display the posters. Presenters will be required to bring finished displays to Guadeloupe.

Topic guidelines:

To effectively explore the conference theme, The Future of Libraries within the Framework of Sustainable Development, three broad subject areas have been chosen as sub-themes for ACURIL 2009, as follows:

• The sustainable development in society and libraries: a new paradigm
• Changes in the perception of the Library concept to ensure social responsibility with imagination and innovation: buildings, collections. Staff and users, with what vision, mission and goals…
• From local to global: changes in directions in order to change behavior: solidarity, cooperation and training

Posters will be presented from Monday, June 1 through June 5, 2009.

Poster presentations must address any of the sub-themes of the conference:
• The sustainable development in libraries: a new paradigm?
• Changes in the perception of the Library concept to ensure social responsibility with imagination and innovation: buildings, collections. Staff and users, with what vision, mission and goals…
• From local to global: changes in directions in order to change behavior: solidarity, cooperation and training.

The poster display should include a statement of the theme or problem, objectives of the research, project or idea being presented, the methodology used to solve the problem or implement the program, the major findings or outcomes and their significance, and conclusions.

How to Submit a Poster Proposal Abstract:

The deadline for poster board presentation abstract is February 28, 2009. Poster presentations can be in any of the three official languages of ACURIL - English, French or Spanish.

Proposals may be submitted by e-mail or hard copy. Proposals must include:
  • Poster presentation title
  • Abstract (200 - 500 words)
  • Name of presenter(s)
  • Position/title of presenter(s)
  • Employer/institutional affiliation(s)
  • Mailing address(ess)
  • Telephone/fax numbers
  • E-mail
Notification of acceptance of a poster presentation will be made no later than March 7, 2009. Poster session abstracts will be published in the final program.

Format of Poster Presentations :

No electrical support or Internet connections are available in the poster area. An effective poster presentation must visually demonstrate the key elements or significant points of a theme, product or service related to the conference.

• The dimensions of posters should be 3 feet wide x 4 feet high; that is, 36 x 48 inches.
• Impresions may be in paper, from a Power-Point presentation or common poster characteristics.
• Screen prints, charts, drawings, photographs, and other graphics along with text, to illustrate the presentation, are encouraged.
• Lettering should be simple, bold, and easily legible from a distance of four feet.
• Posters may be accompanied with handouts.
• All materiasl to be displayed should be prpared before arrival. Supplies will not be available at the conference site.

Paper Format:

By March 30, 2009, each presenter must provide one hard copy and one electronic format document. The electronic format document must be sent as a Microsoft Word file.
Font style: Times New Roman 11pt
Margins 1" all around
Page size: 81⁄2 x 11”

Paper Headings:

Title heading – Times New Roman 12pt, Bold, centered all caps
Sub-headings – Times New Roman 11pt, centered
Name and title, institutional affiliation, e-mail - Times Roman, 11pt,
Sub-headings: Flush left , bold, regular style.
Paragraph Indentation: 5 spaces from left
Paragraph spacing: Single
Bibliography citation style: Amercian Psychological Association (APA)

Kindly submit proposals and enquires to:

Mme. Bea Bazile
ACURIL President 2008/2009
Directrice de la Bibliothèque
Bibliothèque Départementale de Prêt
BP 102 Quartier Desmarais
37109 Basse-Terre, Guadeloupe

Veuillez communiquer des copies de cette document a d’autres personnes intéressées
Kindly reproduce and distribute copies of this documento to other interested persons.
Por favor, reproduzca y distribuya copias de este doccumento a personas interesadas.

Visite / Visit / Visite ;


June 1-5, 2009

Pre-Conference Seminar-Workshop June 1, 2009

OCLC Caribbean Users Group Meeting

Hébergement / Accomodation / Alojamiento Hotel Arawak
Pointe de la Verdure, 97190 Gosier, Guadeloupe
Tel.: +59 05 90 84 24 24 ; Fax +59 05 90 84 38 45


The Future of Libraries within the Framework of Sustainable Development

El Futuro de las Bibliotecas dentro del marco del Desarrollo Sostenido

Important Dates:
Submission of Abstracts February 28, 2009
Notification of Acceptance/Rejection March 7, 2009
Final submission due March 31, 2009
Early bird conference registration March 31, 2009
Pre-Conference: OCLC Caribbean Users Group Meeting June 1, 2009
Conference period June 1-5, 2009

The President of the Association of Caribbean University, Research and Institutional Libraries (ACURIL), Mme Bea Bazile, invites proposals for paper presentations at ACURIL XXXIX, to be held from June 2-5, 2009, at the Hotel Arawak. The theme of the conference is The Future of Libraries within the Framework of Sustainable Development.

This Call for Workshops is open to all information specialists including, librarians, archivists, record administrators, and educators in the field of information science, as well as information providers.

During the Rio Conference in 1992, 180 nations showed their will to participate in a series of actions whose objective was to seek for a “sustainable development”. Still we are pursuing the same objective. This sustainable development must be able to satisfy today’s needs without compromising the capacity of future generations to meet their own.

In this conference we will seek to explore strategies and practices that will allow us to develop libraries, archives and other information units in the Caribbean region within the framework of sustainable development, for the benefit of those we serve. It is intended to be a forum for persons to share ideas, innovative developments and proactive solutions to the issues and challenges we face as information professionals in a developing region, operating in a world of continuous change.

To effectively explore the conference theme, The Future of Libraries within the Framework of Sustainable Development, three broad subject areas have been chosen as sub-themes for ACURIL 2009.

The Conference Sub-Themes are:

• The sustainable development in society and libraries: a new paradigm
• Changes in the perception of the Library concept to ensure social responsibility with imagination and innovation: buildings, collections. Staff and users, with what vision, mission and goals…
• From local to global: changes in directions in order to change behavior: solidarity, cooperation and training

Workshop Format:

Interactive workshops are encouraged, and particularly fo focusencouraged to relate their materials to the content area groups of ACURIL, namely Agriculture and the Environment, Health, Medicine and Natural Sciences, Knowledge Management, Organization and Retrieval of Information, and Law.

Workshop size will be limited to 25 participants so as to encourage interaction. Presenters are alsoencouraged, where suitable, to use a wide range of illustrative matter to support their workshop presentations. Workshops can be presented in any of the three official languages of ACURIL - English, French or Spanish.

How to submit a Workshop presentation Proposal:

• The deadline for workshop proposals is February 28, 2009.
• Workshops can be presented in any of the three official languages of ACURIL - English,French or Spanish.
• Proposals may be submitted by e-mail or hard copy. Proposals must include:

  • Workshop title
  • Abstract (200 - 500 words)
  • Name of presenter(s)
  • Position/title of presenter(s)
  • Employer/institutional affiliation
  • Mailing address(es)
  • Telephone/fax numbers
  • E-mail
Notification of acceptance of a workshop presentation will be made no later than March 7, 2009. Workshop presentation abstracts will be published in the final program.

Paper Format:

• For the final work, each presenter must provide one hard copy and one electronic format document. The electronic format document must be sent as a Microsoft Word file.
• Font style: Times New Roman 11pt
• Margins 1" all around
• Page size: 81⁄2 x 11”
• Title heading – Times New Roman 12pt, Bold, centered all caps
• Sub-headings – Times New Roman 11pt, centered
• Name and title, institutional affiliation, e-mail - Times Roman, 11pt, centered.
• Sub-headings: Flush left , bold, regular style.
• Paragraph indentation: 5 spaces from left
• Paragraph spacing: Single
• Bibliography citation style: American Psychological Association (APA)
Electronic versions: Copies of Ppt, slideshsare, CDs, videos need to be submitted

Kindly submit proposals and enquires to:

Mme. Bea Bazile
ACURIL President 2008/2009
Directrice de la Bibliothèque
Bibliothèque Départementale de Prêt
BP 102 Quartier Desmarais
37109 Basse-Terre, Guadeloupe

Veuillez communiquer des copies de cette document a d’autres personnes intéressées
Kindly reproduce and distribute copies of this document to other interested persons.
Por favor, reproduzca y distribuya copias de este documento a personas interesadas.

June 1-5, 2009

Pre-Conference Seminar-Workshop June 1, 2009

OCLC Caribbean Users Group Meeting

Hébergement / Accomodation / Alojamiento
Hotel Arawak. Pointe de la Verdure, 97190 Gosier, Guadeloupe
Tel.: +59 05 90 84 24 24 ; Fax +59 05 90 84 38 45


The Future of Libraries within the Framework of Sustainable Development

El Futuro de las Bibliotecas dentro del marco del Desarrollo Sostenido

Important Dates:
Submission of Abstracts February 28, 2009
Notification of Acceptance/Rejection March 7, 2009
Final submission due March 31, 2009
Early bird conference registration March 31, 2009
Pre-Conference: OCLC Caribbean Users Group Meeting June 1, 2009
Conference period June 1-5, 2009

The President of the Association of Caribbean University, Research and Institutional Libraries (ACURIL), Mme Bea Bazile, invites proposals for paper presentations at ACURIL XXXIX, to be held from June 2-5, 2009, at the Hotel Arawak. The theme of the conference is The Future of Libraries within the Framework of Sustainable Development.

This Call for Papers is open to all information specialists including, librarians, archivists, record administrators, and educators in the field of information science, as well as information providers.

During the United Nations Rio de Janeiro Conference in 1992, 180 nations showed their will to participate in a series of actions whose objective was to seek for a “sustainable development”. Still we are pursuing the same objective. This sustainable development must be able to satisfy today’s needs without compromising the capacity of future generations to meet their own.

In this conference we will seek to explore strategies and practices that will allow us to develop libraries, archives and other information units in the Caribbean region within the framework of sustainable development, for the benefit of the diverse communities that we serve. It is intended to be a forum for persons to share ideas, innovative developments and proactive solutions to the issues and challenges we face as information professionals in a developing region, operating in a world of continuous change.

Paper presentation proposals may be practical or theoretical. Presenters are encouraged to relate their papers to the content area groups of ACURIL, namely Agriculture and the Environment, Health, Medicine and Natural Sciences, Knowledge Management, Organization and Retrieval of Information, and Law.

To effectively explore the conference theme, The Future of Libraries within the Framework of Sustainable Development, three broad subject areas have been chosen as sub-themes for ACURIL 2009.

The Conference Sub-Themes are:

• The sustainable development in society and libraries: a new paradigm?
• Changes in the perception of the Library concept to ensure social responsibility with imagination and innovation: buildings, collections. Staff and users, with what vision, mission and goals…
• From local to global: changes in directions in order to change behavior: solidarity, cooperation and training

Topic Guidelines:

Paper presentations must address one of the sub-themes, as stated above, for ACURIL XXXIX
Presentation Format:

• Each presenter will be given 20 minutes maximum to present his/her paper.
• It is recommended that presenters highlight key points and not read their papers.
• 10 minutes will be allowed for questions and answers.
• All presenters must prepare a full paper for inclusion in the conference proceedings.
All papers to be included in the proceedings must be received by March 30, 2009.

How to submit a Paper presentation Proposal:

The deadline for paper presentations proposals is February 28, 2009.
Papers can be presented in any of the three official languages of ACURIL - English, French or Spanish.
Proposals may be submitted by e-mail or hard copy. Proposals must include:
• Title of paper
• Abstract (200 - 500 words)
• Name of presenter(s)
• Position/title of presenter
• Employer/institutional affiliation
• Mailing address
• Telephone/fax numbers
• E-mail

Notification of acceptance of a paper presentation will be made no later than March 7, 2008.

Paper Format:

For the final work, each presenter must provide one hard copy and one electronic format document. The electronic format document must be sent as a Microsoft Word file.
Font style: Times New Roman 11pt
Margins 1" all around
Page size: 81⁄2 x 11
Paper Headings:
Title heading – Times New Roman 12pt, Bold, centered all caps
Sub-headings – Times New Roman 11pt, centered
Name and title, institutional affiliation, e-mail - Times Roman, 11pt, centered.
Sub-headings: Flush left, bold, regular style.
Paragraph Indentation: 5 spaces from left
Paragraph spacing: Single
Bibliography citation style: American Psychological Association (APA)

Kindly submit proposals and enquires to:
Mme. Bea Bazile
ACURIL President 2008/2009
Directrice de la Bibliothèque
Bibliothèque Départementale de Prêt
BP 102 Quartier Desmarais
37109 Basse-Terre, Guadeloupe

Veuillez communiquer des copies de cette document a d’autres personnes intéressées
Kindly reproduce and distribute copies of this document to other interested persons.
Por favor, reproduzca y distribuya copias de este documento a personas interesadas.

Visite / Visit / Visite ;